Monthly Archives: October 2020

Finding Help from the Almighty Problem-solver

All of us have problems; some much more serious that others. Scripture encourages us to learn about God while bringing our problems to the problem-solver. At a terrible time in Israel’s history with Assyria at the city gates, Isaiah proclaims words of comfort and encouragement in chapter 40. He calls for the nation—and you and I—to hear the voice in the wilderness (vs. 4-8), good news from the mountain (vs. 9-11), the perspective from the peak (vs 12-26), and the answer from on high (vs. 27-31). All of these are designed to exhort us to not count God out, our God of almighty power, our God of creative power, our God of infinite ability.
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In concluding chapter 40 Isaiah declares that “He gives strength to the weary…even youths grow tired and weary…but those who hope in the LORD will RENEW their strength. They will soar like eagles…run…walk and not faint” (Is. 40:29-31). God is infinite in all His qualities including His ability to strengthen and help us in our needs.

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Studies in the attributes of God are very helpful for those who by faith in Jesus Christ are God’s children. They are practical. They remind us about all the wonderful aspects of our heavenly Father’s character. And they remind us to bring our problems, our fears, our pain, our difficulties to Him. He loves to hear the prayers of His children. So let’s rejoice in the infinite ability of our God to help us.

(Let me know your thoughts on this subject. Pass this blog on to others. Further articles, books, and stories at: Facebook: Eric E Wright Twitter: @EricEWright1 LinkedIn: Eric Wright ––)

Seeking To Know God

There is life and then there is ETERNAL LIFE. Since “this is eternal life, that they [believers] may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent,” (John 17:3), I want to begin an exploration of the character of our wonderful God. In this way, with the Holy Spirit’s help, we will be able to “draw water from the wells of salvation” in the Scriptures (Isaiah 12:3) so that we may be refreshed and enriched during this time of Covid.

Why am I focusing this blog series on the Attributes of God? “What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. . . .the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God . . . That our idea of God correspond as nearly as possible to the true being of God is of immense importance to us. . . . there is scarcely an error in doctrine or a failure in applying Christian ethics, that cannot be traced finally to imperfect and ignoble thoughts about God .. .” (Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer, p. 10)

What Tozer pointed out years ago hasn’t changed: “The condition in the church caused by a loss of the concept of majesty . . . “church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshiping men… result, a hundred lesser evils.” (Ibid, p. 6)

It is crucial that we as believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, grow in our knowledge of God as He is and as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures, lest Tozer’s warning be true of us. But our need of knowing God is doubly true of society at large. The chaos and deterioration of our societies is largely caused by an abandonment of faith in God.

(Let me know your thoughts on this subject. Further articles, books, and stories at: Facebook: Eric E Wright Twitter: @EricEWright1 LinkedIn: Eric Wright ––)

God’s Autumn Masterpiece

Many in our northern latitudes find autumn their favorite season. For a couple of months the countryside exchanges a large part of its green wardrobe for gowns displaying a profusion of colours.

The countryside is a giant canvas. The Divine Artist is gradually painting it with a subtle shade here and a splash of color there. As the weeks pass, the mural becomes more and more vibrant.

Even plants like the sumac, that some consider a nuisance, get in on the act. As if afraid to be overshadowed by the scarlet frocks that towering maples don later inSumac the season, the sumac heralds its place in this drama by dyeing the fringes of the roads and fields with crimson.

Next come the stalwart ash, first displaying subtle shades of beige and rust before donning brilliant gowns of plum and wine.

The leaves of beech and oak, which often cling to their branches throughout the Trembling Aspenwinter, paint their trees with hues of fawn and brown and taupe that gradually turn to gold.

Part way through this seasonal drama, the Divine Tailor stitches up a gown for the aspens and poplars composed of a dozen shades of yellow–flaxen, lemon, saffron, amber. All in preparation for their autumn dance.

Cobourg ColourMeanwhile the Artist on High has been tinting the maples, most dramatic of the trees, with every colour in His palate from lemon yellow to bright orange and scarlet.

Throughout the fall, pine, cedar and spruce maintain a background of rich green to set off the multi-hued pigments of autumn that wash the fields and woodlands with bright color.

As the season develops, commentators keep us abreast of where and wOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhen to visit our woodlands to catch a glimpse of this yearly display. And so, throughout Eastern North America, city dwellers abandon their grey city haunts to tour the lakes and forests of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Ontario, and Quebec.

The wind blows and the leaves begin to fall leaving windrows of fading colour all OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAalong the verges of field and roadway. No human artist can hope to best the skill of the Divine Artist. And this yearly exhibition is free for any to enjoy. No wonder many view autumn as their favorite time of the year.

(Reprint from Oct. 2014 Further articles, books, and stories at: Facebook: Eric E Wright Twitter: @EricEWright1 LinkedIn: Eric Wright )